Day : 077 32 699 450
Evening: 023 92 86 59 59
Phix-Pix Studio Opening Times
Appointments available outside of studio Hours
9.00am - 5.00pm
10.45am - 5.00pm
9.00am - 5.00pm
10.45am - 5.00pm
10.45am - 5.00pm
9.00am - 5.00pm
Photo Identity made easy:
The quality photo will comply with regulations from which ever organisation you need your image for Uk, US, or EU Passports and Licences.
You get to preview the image before we print your 6 images on a sheet and then cut them to size 35 x 45 mm or any other size according to country or visa size.
Phix-Pix taking the worry out of your ID Images visit us for a fast reliable service.
Photo size
Photos professionally printed and 45 millimetres high by 35 millimetres wide - the standard size used in photo booths in the UK. Standard sizes in photo booths outside the UK can be different - make sure you get the right size.
You can’t use photos that have been cut down from larger pictures.
The photos
The photos must be:
● in colour on plain white photographic paper
● taken against a plain cream or light grey background
● identical
● taken within the last month
● clear and in focus
● without any tears or creases
● unmarked on both sides (unless a photo needs to be countersigned)
● unaltered by computer software
The image of you
Photos should show a close-up of your full head and shoulders. It must be only of you with no other objects or people.
The image of your head - from the crown of your head to your chin - must be sized between 29 millimetres and 34 millimetres deep (see example ).
Applying online
When applying online you can upload a digital Image your photo must be:
in colour a jpg or jpeg file
at least 50KB and no more than 10MB
unaltered by computer software
un cropped Do not size to 45mm x 35mm as this will be done by the application process.
When you upload your photo it will go through a basic technical check.
We can take your digital image for you and your pre approved photo will be emailed to you for you to up load.
Your result will look like this.

Your photo may be rejected unless it shows you:
● facing forward and looking straight at the camera
● with a neutral expression and your mouth closed
● without anything covering the face
● in clear contrast to the background
● without a head covering (unless it’s worn for religious or medical reasons)
● with eyes open, visible and free from reflection or glare from glasses
● with your eyes not covered by sunglasses, tinted glasses, glasses frames or hair
● without any shadows in the picture
Photos for child passports
Children must be on their own in the picture. Babies must not be holding toys or using dummies.
If the child is under 5, they don’t have to be looking directly at the camera or have a neutral expression.
If the child is under 1, their eyes don’t have to be open. If their head is supported by a hand, the hand
mustn’t be visible in the photo.
What is the cost of a passport photo session at Phix-Pix ?
Including a set of six standard 35 x 45 mm passport photo and ID prices start at £8.50
What type of passport photo and ID photos can you take?
We can take a large variety of passport type images including ID photos, visas for any county, disabled parking permits, driving licence, bus passes and much more.
What if my passport photo is rejected?
Here at Phix-Pix we guarantee all our work so if your photo is rejected for any reason we will do it again and print your photographs for free.
Can I wear makeup on my passport photo?
Yes, you can wear natural makeup but no disguises or face painting.
Is Phix-Pix accessible for wheelchair users?
Yes, we have no obstructions and can also adapt the studio to your needs, Should your requirements be more specific we can photograph you at the nearest suitable location and in some cases we can come to your home. For more information regarding your requirement please give us a call.
Do you offer digital copies of my photos?
Yes, you can choose to get your photos onto your own USB or by email. We can also supply you with a USB memory stick. (Additional charged may apply)
Do I need to book an appointment for a passport photo?
No, in most cases you can in get your passport photo taken straight away. To be sure you might wish to phone ahead as I am a sole trader and might be out on a photo shoot.
Can you edit or enhance my passport photo?
Passport photos must not have been manipulated or edited by computer software.
How long do passport photos take?
We take your photo in a relaxed unrushed environment in our dedicated professional photographic studio. The whole process is completed within 5 – 10 minutes
Do you take baby passport photos?
Yes we take baby photos, we have a variety of rehearsed techniques to capture your infants image in the best light meeting the requirements for passport approval.
Can I wear glasses in my passport photo?
If you have a medical reason to wear glasses then yes providing, they are not sunglasses or tinted, however there must be no glare and your eyes are fully visible. Heavy frames can also be disallowed. The Phix-Pix photographer will advise you.
Can I wear my hair up or cover it?
You can wear your hair up but unless for religious or medical reasons, your hair must not be covered and be clear from your face and eyes.